Nearshore IT

ID wpisu: 4430
Dodano: 02.05.2011
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Opis: JCommerce is a modern IT company that has been specializing in making its clients happy since 2005.
We provide services to the representatives of the following economy sectors: IT, telecommunications, banking, finance and insurance, manufacturing, trade, services and public administration, while our offer includes: IT outsourcing, Business Intelligence, portal systems, mobile SFA systems and customized solutions.
JCommerce co-operates with the world leaders of modern IT technologies, such as: IBM, Microsoft and SAP BusinessObjects. Thanks to this we offer software that is technologically sophisticated and ideally suited to our clients’ requirements and expectations.
We provide services to the representatives of the following economy sectors: IT, telecommunications, banking, finance and insurance, manufacturing, trade, services and public administration, while our offer includes: IT outsourcing, Business Intelligence, portal systems, mobile SFA systems and customized solutions.
JCommerce co-operates with the world leaders of modern IT technologies, such as: IBM, Microsoft and SAP BusinessObjects. Thanks to this we offer software that is technologically sophisticated and ideally suited to our clients’ requirements and expectations.
Nearshore Poland, Nearshore Polen, Outsourcing IT, Body Leasing, software development, Business Intelligence, Outsourcing IT Poland, Body Leasing Poland, software development Poland, Business Intelligence Poland, Outsourcing IT Polen, Body Leasing Polen
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